Class: _PhysicsNotes


Collision Filtering 

Demo source:
- If objects have  *same negative* group - the collision *will not occur* and `category/mask` rules *will not* be used.
- If objects have  *same positive* group - the collision *will occur* and `category/mask` rules *will not* be used.
- If objects have *different group* values (or both 0, which is default) - `category/mask` rules *will* be used.
- See `Body.nextGroup(negative);` to create a unique group id

Categories must be a power of 2 from 2^0 (1) to 2^31 ():
``` js 
const catDefault = 0x0001; // 2^0 = 1
const catA = 0x0002; // 2^1 = 2
const catB = 0x0004; // 2^2 = 4
const catC = 0x0008; // 2^3 = 8
const catD = 0x0010; // 2^4 = 16
const catE = 0x0020; // 2^5 = 32
const catF = 0x0040; // 2^6 = 64
const catG = 0x0080; // 2^7 = 128
const catH = 0x0100; // 2^8 = 256
const catH = 0x0200; // 2^9 = 512
// etc ...
const catZ = 0x80000000; // 2^31 = 2147483648

A bit mask that specifies the collision categories this body may collide with.

Each body also defines a collision *bitmask*, given by *collisionFilter.mask* which specifies the categories it collides with (the value is the bitwise AND value of all these categories).

Using the `category/mask` rules, two bodies A and B collide if each includes the others category in its mask, i.e. (categoryA & maskB) !== 0 and (categoryB & maskA) !== 0 are both true.

collisionFilter: {
    mask: defaultCategory | redCategory // this body will only collide with the walls and the red bodies

Phaser utility function:s
setCollidesWith: function (categories)
    var flags = 0;

    if (!Array.isArray(categories))
        flags = categories;
        for (var i = 0; i < categories.length; i++)
            flags |= categories[i];

    this.body.collisionFilter.mask = flags;

    return this;

Collision Callbacks 


Listening for collisions is Engine wide. See discussion here:
Provides a list of all pairs that have started to collide in the current tick (if any).
Provides a list of all pairs that are colliding in the current tick (if any).
Provides a list of all pairs that have finished colliding in the current tick (if any).


Tells the engine to stop updating and collision checking bodies that have come to rest.

This is a big performance boost if you have a lot of bodies in collision at rest (e.g. a stack of boxes). Sleeping bodies are woken up when a non-sleeping body collides with them. The downside is that the result not always exactly the same as if they were not sleeping, but it's usually good enough.