Module: storymode


(static) createApp(htmlEleID, fullScreenopt, pixiOptionsopt, optionsopt, onLoadCallbackopt)

Creates a new PIXI Application, wrapper for `new PIXI.Application(...)`.
- Ideally the main app script is included in the body immediately after the container HTML element is included. In this scenario the app will be created instantly.
- Otherwise if the app script is initialised before the container HTML element is attached to the DOM then it will load in the background before continuing.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
htmlEleID string The DOM element ID in which to add the Pixi canvas. If not present yet will wait for it to arrive.
fullScreen boolean <optional>
false If true will base the canvas dimensions on the window size rather than the containing element.
pixiOptions Object <optional>
null Option object to override defaults sent to PIXI. See:
options Object <optional>
null Addtional storymode options.
onLoadCallback AppLoadCallback <optional>
null Called after initial assets are loaded.

Type Definitions


Called after initial assets are loaded.
Name Type Description
pixiApp PIXI.Application The PIXI Application